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Week 6 Discussion question 2

Week 6 Discussion question 2

Q Please refer to Chapter 7's Closing Case 2 (Spotify Music as a Mobile Service, pg. 300) and answer any ONE of the questions below in your initial thread before Wednesday. Then, before the end of Sunday, make the remaining THREE response posts (interact with at least TWO different classmates by either asking probing question(s), agreeing with their answers, or offering alternative points of view). Either way, your replies must be substantive and through-provoking to earn full credit for your participation. Questions: 1. How is Spotify taking advantage of mobile devices? 2. How is Spotify a Music as a Service business? 3. Why should Spotify care about mobile device management? 4. Why should Spotify care about mobile application management? 5. Without wireless technologies and mobile devices, would Spotify be successful? Why or why not?

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This week’s discussion question 2 is on Chapter 7’s Closing Case 2 that is (Spotify music as a Mobile service). Now I have chosen the second question that is how is the Spotify app taking advantage of mobile devices (Constine, 2015). It has been seen for a couple of years that the company Spotify has been on everyone’s mobile devices (Constine, 2015). The company has been telling the brand advertisers that mobile accounts have been the most users than any other place (Constine, 2015).